2. Community Child Protection Committee Towards Child-friendly Space in Khulna City (CCPC)
PARIBARTAN- Khulna has implemented the project on Community Child Protection Committee towards child friendly Khulna City, addressed to social and behavior change on focus to strengthening of local ward level child protection. The project has designed to inter-locking and coordinate systems that focused on wide-ranging prevention and response activities as much as creating positive attitudes, beliefs and values towards children’s human rights. The overall results has come in the project of depends on establishment and enforcement of favorable child protection policies and the corresponding strengthening of child protection systems in terms of legal reform, capacity development, operationalization of existing service provisions and introduce citizens led monitoring and evaluation of the services. Project has implemented at Ward no. 1-15 under Khulna City Corporation, Khulna and the direct beneficiaries are covered by the unnerve urban slum`s children have involved in hazardous works (i.e. automobile workshops, welding works, electric workshops, motor garages, construction works, engineering machines including lathe machines, metal workshops, biscuit factory or bakery, truck, bus or tempo helper at targeted wards in Khulna City corporations.